Sunday, February 28, 2021

Shalom: The Way to the Promise of Peace - Second Week of Lent

Written by Catherine Gordon

Reflect: Jesus gives us the promise of peace, but not as the world would define peace. Peace is not the absence of trouble or conflict, but the certainty that in life’s storms, we have a Savior to calm the seas. Where in your life can you recall the stormy seas being calmed? How did it feel to know that amid trouble you were being held safe and secure? Where is this peace that passes all understanding needed right now in your home, community, church or country?

Add to your peace prayer “tree”

This past week, the Rev. Jimmie R. Hawkins lifted up prayers for peace in several parts of the world. Take strips of fabric and add to your peace “tree” — or railing or fence — the word for “peace” in the various languages that Hawkins shared. After writing each word out, close your eyes, hold the fabric and pray for God’s peace to be felt by those in that region. The words for peace highlighted in the first week of Lenten devotionals are: shalom (Hebrew), salam (Arabic), dohiyi (Cherokee), paz (Spanish), udo (Igbo/Nigeria), wolakota (Lakota), pyonghwa (Korean) and nye (Ntomba/Congo). Now think about those close to you who are feeling restless or scared this Lenten season. Write their names down and pray for peace to wash over them.

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